The purpose of this 1.4 mile corridor study was identify the corridor’s redevelopment potential, expand multi-modal use, and improve aesthetics. Improvement at major intersections included crosswalks, pedestrian respite islands and native landscape plantings, bus shelter nodes, information kiosks, decorative screen walls, seating, street and pedestrian lighting. Extensive public input served to bring public awareness of the project and build local consensus.

PROJECTS / Urban Design + Planning

University Avenue Corridor

The purpose of this 1.4 mile corridor study was identify the corridor’s redevelopment potential, expand multi-modal use, and improve aesthetics. Improvement at major intersections included crosswalks, pedestrian respite islands and native landscape plantings, bus shelter nodes, information kiosks, decorative screen walls, seating, street and pedestrian lighting. Extensive public input served to bring public awareness of the project and build local consensus.